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8 Reasons Why You’re Suffering From Headaches

You didn’t sleep enough

“Your fight-or-flight hormones start to kick in, resulting in an increased heart rate, higher blood pressure, and stress,” says Salvatore Napoli, MD, of the New England Center of Neurology. And all of those things can contribute to a headache.

Taking ibuprofen or naproxen can help you cope with the pain – but nothing would beat a good 30-minute nap!

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2 thoughts on “8 Reasons Why You’re Suffering From Headaches”

  1. Lorraine Lurie

    Those points may be starters, but Ibuprofen can raise blood pressure, as pointed out by one of my doctors.
    We can’t always be sure if we’re snoring, and if so, what to do about it.

  2. You forgot one of the biggest reasons for headache. The weather. It is not an old wives tale or anything like that. When the barometric pressure changes, either up or down, the blood vessels in our brains are affected..

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