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15 Things You Need To Know About Coronavirus

Photo By Cherries From Shutterstock

Time for a reality check

Even if you have been to China or Wuhan, or suspect you have been in contact with someone who has, there is no need to panic. The flu is also circulating in America at the moment and the fact you might feel sick does not mean you have contracted this new strain of coronavirus. Hundreds of thousands of people are diagnosed with the flu each year in the US.

11 confirmed cases have now reached the mainland United States. So on Friday, U.S. officials declared a public health emergency. As a result, foreign nationals who have traveled to China in the last two weeks and aren’t immediate family members of U.S. citizens or permanent residents will be temporarily banned from entering the U.S., according to Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar.

He also announced that anyone entering the U.S. who’s been in China’s Hubei province in the last two weeks will be subject to a two-week quarantine.

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