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10 Common Issues You Can Develop From Sitting

Tight hips and a bad back

You probably know that your hips and black will suffer from sitting, because sitting causes your hip flexors to shorten. Also, your seated position can hurt your back, especially if you have wrong posture or don’t use an ergonomic chair. This can also cause compression on the discs in your spine and this leads to premature degeneration.


Anxiety and depression

Some of the physical effects of sitting are the mental ones. The risk of anxiety and depression are higher in people who sit almost all day. This may be because of the mental health benefits of working out are lacking when one spends their days sitting down rather than moving.


1 thought on “10 Common Issues You Can Develop From Sitting”

  1. Scientists are always saying stuff based on studies. I say live your life and if you die, you die. you will eventually die. I would rather die my way than someone else’s. At least I have some control over my fate.

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