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11 Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality at Home

Air Fresheners Aren’t So Fresheners

Although the adverts profess that air fresheners are great for masking those terrible odors, they do it by spraying your home with a mist of synthetic chemicals. There are so many better more natural alternatives to those fake, sickly scents, like naturally-fragranced or fragrance-free products. If you want to go even further then you should put an organic room diffuser or essential oil burner on your shopping list.

You can even try a little DIY when it comes to eliminating the many odors you’ll find in your kitchen by mixing baking soda and lemon juice with hot water and pouring the mixture into an empty spray bottle for your own home made air freshener. Another great tip for neutralizing cooking smells is to leave a bowl of white vinegar in the kitchen overnight or microwave slices of lemon in water for that fresh lemony smell.


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