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Coffee Lover? You Should Definitely Read This!

Have you ever thought what happens to your body after you drink your morning coffee? When you are a coffee lover, you can’t start your day without a hot cup of coffee. Even if you prefer a Starbucks coffee or your homemade coffee, the first thing which is on your mind is the smell of coffee. In some mornings, you hate everyone when you don’t take your coffee at first and, of course, this impulse isn’t only in your heard.

Michael J. Kuhar, PhD, professor of neuropharmacology at Emory University says that caffeine can make you feel energized, alert, and less depressed. Also, caffeine can improve your learning ability and motor skills. If you skip for one day your favorite stimulant, you will probably feel nervous, down, irritable and clumsy and experience some annoying headaches.

In a Johns Hopkins University review of studies, researchers found that some people deprived of caffeine even experienced flu-like symptoms, like vomiting, nausea and muscle pain and stiffness. “You’re basically going through withdrawal,” says Kuhar. Well…yes, we are not talking about a mental addiction such as drugs, you don’t become addicted to caffeine, your body does. It takes 24 hours for caffeine to leave your system, that’s why when you wake up, you are craving for a cup of coffee.

“Lots of people have their coffee in the morning when they read the newspaper, or when they meet up with friends, and it’s viewed as this very enjoyable moment,” says Kuhar. “And the feelings you get from caffeine reinforce that association. It’s embedded in our lives as this friendly and socially acceptable ritual.”

For sure there are reasons why you should take off your hands after your cup of coffee such as trouble with sleeping or digestive issues. But it’s really hard to fight with temptation, when we are all surrounded by so many coffee shops. So, if you want to cut back, do it gradually!



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