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6 Surprising Signs You’re Not Eating Enough Protein

You should get a minimum of 10% of your daily calories from protein. (For a target of grams, multiply your weight in pounds by 0.36.) And you want it from a variety of sources throughout the day: A tub of low-fat Greek yogurt for breakfast has about 20 grams; a serving of skinless chicken breast at lunch, about 25 grams; and a cup of black beans in your dinner, about 15 grams. Your body breaks down and reuses the protein in many ways.

Most Americans get plenty of protein. People who don’t get enough usually have an overall poor diet. Elderly people and people with cancer may have trouble eating as much protein as they need. Severe malnutrition from lack of protein is called kwashiorkor. It’s more common in developing countries, especially with children, or after a natural disaster.

Check out the signs you’re not getting enough protein!


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