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Early Signs Of Lung Cancer Everyone Should Know About

Photo by Africa Studio from Shutterstock

Chest pain

Unexplained chest pain should be a reason to worry because it can be a sign of lung cancer. In comparison with other types of pain, this one doesn’t have a specific cause. Such as an easy to identify injury preceding the pain.

In case you have no clue why it started and is getting worse by day, you should probably check it out. Also, if it increases when you laugh, cough, or breathe deeply, there are various reasons why you might have it. On one hand, a tumor might push on a nerve in the tissues surrounding the lungs or in the back or ribs.

Or, the cancer is spreading to the ribs and bones of your spine. Chest pain can also be a symptom of other conditions, like a heart attack or GERD, so it’s best to check it out.

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