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Early Signs Of Lung Cancer Everyone Should Know About

Photo by Leonid Sorokin from Shutterstock

Q&A: How can lung cancer be avoided?

If lung cancer is something that worries you, the best thing you can do right now is to stop smoking. Smoking is the cause of 90% of lung cancer cases. The toxins in cigarettes will generate breaks in the genetic code and lead to lung cancer.

The sooner you quit, the healthier you’ll be. There are also other toxins that can lead to this disease, like radon, asbestos, uranium, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, nickel, and petroleum products.

If you’re working in an environment with one of these toxins, make sure you wear adequate personal protective equipment. To make things even worse, pollution is also one of the reasons why people get lung cancer. Living in areas with high pollution can increase the risk of developing this disease.

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