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10 Things Diabetes Doctors Do to Keep Their Own Blood Sugar Under Control

Life with type 2 diabetes can sometimes seem like an hourly or even minute-by-minute effort to stabilize your blood sugar. Steal a trick or two from these diabetes experts to keep your blood sugar on track!


Prepare home-cooked meals

There’s nothing better than eating a delicious homemade meal after a long day at the office. Not only will your stomach thank you, your blood sugar will too! “My family and I eat at home,” says Joel Zonszein, MD, director of the Clinical Diabetes Center at the Montefiore Jack D. Weiler Hospital and professor of medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

“Eating and talking at the table with my wife and children without our cellphones, the television, or computer is important.” In fact, research from the Nurses Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-Up Study asked 99,000 men and women about their lunch and dinner habits for more than 30 years.

People who reported eating at least two meals at home each day had an average 13 percent lower risk of getting diabetes compared to people who ate fewer than six home-cooked meals each week.

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