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8 Causes of Chest Pain Other Than a Heart Attack



Up to 36% of adults who show up at the emergency room with severe chest pain are actually suffering from costochondritis. This is an inflammation where a rib bone meets up with a cartilage, leading to pain. The exact cause of the condition is unknown, although it can range from viral infections to chest injuries.

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3 thoughts on “8 Causes of Chest Pain Other Than a Heart Attack”

  1. GERD can be extremely life threatening and my hubby suffers from it. We lost a neighbor on the operating table not that long ago to it when doctors were trying to replace his esophagus with a leg vein, so needless to say I am quite concerned! Stay AWAY from the pharmaceuticals [like that terrible purple pill!] that they try to “push” on you, as they [the pills] tend to just let the acid just build up rather than come up the esophagus, which is really endangering the patient!

  2. Just adding to my last post as I see no way to edit to add to it, but when using the pharmaceutical pills, they just “mask” the issue and make the patient THINK it is working, when in fact it is making the problem much worse!

    Please remember that doctors are just legalized “pushers” and would also NEVER recommend for their own loved ones what they have their patients do!

    Chemotherapy is the same, I have actually spoken to many physicians who say they would NEVER recommend chemo for a family member! There is nothing left for the body to fight with when it returns, and it WILL return. Cancer always does! There are better methods that do not toss the baby out with the bathwater.

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