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7 Unusual Symptoms Experienced by COVID-19 Patients

Photo by theskaman306 from Shutterstock

2. Fizzing sensation

In some cases, patients with COVID-19 have reported experiencing a “fizzing” sensation on their skin—also described on Twitter as a “buzzing electric feeling,” and by a woman in Illinois as feeling like her skin “was covered in IcyHot.”

Waleed Javaid, MD, director of infection prevention and control at Mount Sinai Downtown explained that “our immune cells get activated so a lot of chemicals get released throughout our body and that can present or feel like there’s some fizzing.”

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13 thoughts on “7 Unusual Symptoms Experienced by COVID-19 Patients”

  1. I wonder if after feeling to eat a bit..if they experienced hyper in anything with a bit of salt was sickeningly salty, same with anything sweet..sickeningly sweet. And if they experienced stomach pains if they ate gluten.. I was very strangely ill 2 years ago with so many of the same symptoms as covid 19. Then for months couldn’t eat gluten..had the hyper sensitive taste buds. This was from late spring to fall. By winter I could again eat wheat bread..but took it very easy. Dairy didn’t bother, eggs didn’t bother, I could eat rice. Because of the fierce stomach pain..I thought..if I ate like a I had rice cereal and applesauce..1st thing to eat in 3 weeks. ..was shocked to find it didn’t bother at all..then I tried eggs..still fine. Now, I had purchased gluten free everything so that I could eat. Felt better in say 6 months.
    Then I got sick AGAIN last summer..not as bad..again went with a gluten free diet. The year before I had the week of very high fever..they tried treating me with an antibiotic..didn’t touch it. They called in a panic on day 5 and added a stronger antibiotic. Temp had already started to go down but still well over 100..I believe on day 3 (102, 104, 104, 103, 101) or so that I was delirious..
    I thought I sterilized everything..but wonder if the second summer I might have recaught what felt like the same illness..perhaps from one of my pillows..yes, I had washed the pillows a few times after that first awful week. Btw this was at our summer home..we are there from late spring till late fall. I am here again..came in 2 weeks far so good..but as I rehash all of this..I had best wash those pillows again.
    Just wondering if folks experience that hyper sensitive taste thing..

      1. I believe that the coronavirus has been around for a lot longer than anyone knows. In November and December of 2019 I had the virus or some form of it. I had a lot of the symptoms that are normally associated with Covid-19 and others that are not as well-known. I was sick for six weeks and my husband was sick for only a few days. We had Christmas with our kids on January 4, 2020 because I didn’t want to give any of them what I had. I think there is a lot more that needs to be done regarding diagnosing the illness than what is known now. I think there are people who have it and think it is some other illness. We need to know a lot more.

    1. I was reading what you wrote and wanted to share my symptoms with Covid 19. I had the high fevers for 10 days and was absolutely exhausted. So much fatigue which actually stayed with me for about 1-2 weeks after the fever had subsided. I also lost my sense of taste for about a day. The worst was the high salt taste, my husband had not put any salt in my food. It was awful, as if I had a mouth full of the stuff. I also had diarrhea for 5 days. The only positive thing that came out of being so sick is that I lost 15 pounds. 😊 Now I have antibodies And am back at work. 🙏🏻

      1. Hi!I had been diagnosed in early April and had symptoms for one month before some symptoms were even noted. I had initially felt like I was catching a cold. That night vomited had diarrhea for one week with neurological headaches a temp that lasted three weeks as high as 102 plus hovering at 100 and finally broke at 98 but I average around 97 daily. Along with that had no cough but occasional, with loss of taste and smell no appetite had no endurance increased fatigue lethergy, less then minimal confusion and loss of hair. When taste buds returned had went to eat a slice of frozen pizza and it tasted like a pound of salt on cardboard and now just crave sugar which I didn’t have in my diet before and am still having digestive issues vivid is no joke .

  2. A symptom is want the patient describes and a sign is what the patient and others can see. COVID toes are may be showering emboli where small clots travel through the arterial system and end up at that end point The toes or vessel spasm. Until we see the full spectrum of patients through testing we will not have the complete spectrum of COVID morbidities and mortalities.

  3. Angel Maldonado

    I had Corona virus in 2018. It’s neumonia. It starts off with a cold. I took 2 big bottles of severe cold medicine which did not get rid of my cold. I went to a doctor who prescribed medicine for me. I then recover from my illess. I had it for 2 months. The doctor did blood work on me and discovered a new virus and named it Corona because under a microscope it was round and had spikes. That virus going around the world is my virus.

  4. I had same symptoms couple years ago, sick for at least 2 months before, was sent to hospital got absolutely best Dr., All I ate was popsicles and jello. I got down to 92 lbs. Dr put me on Doxycycline and then I had to drive to hospital everyday for intravenous treatments. I finally got over high fevers, but have never felt completely well since. I was diagnosed with Brucellosis, which is also derived from cattle, goats, etc. which I was around all the time. Symptoms are basically the same. Just FYI, my Dr was “infectious disease“ Doctor. She Saved my life!

  5. I have had moderate to somewhat severe dizziness, muscle aches, nausea, and headache. No fever, no loss of taste or smell and felt it was the regular flu. Testing in my area is not what it should be . Can you suggest who do I contact for covid testing in my area Surry County North Carolina.

  6. Lonzetta Jackson

    As i write this I have had the virus for 9 days my husband also has it I contracted it from him my husband contracted it from his friend who did not tell him that his house whole had it and called my husband to do a favor for him I am still pissed about that but that’s another story.I had symptoms sinus pressure and coughing he had none no more than sneezing! Why? And how long does it last? I’m still coughing but not as much.

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