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10 Signs You Might Have an Autoimmune Disease

Photo by Peakstock from Shutterstock
  • Fast heartbeat & agitation – There are some autoimmune diseases that urge your body to up its metabolism, which forces it to use more energy. For example, Grave’s disease targets the thyroid gland, which makes it produce excessive hormones rather than a smaller amount.
  • Bowel problems – Autoimmune conditions are known to affect bowel movement. For example, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, or IBD, is the responsible condition for an autoimmune disorder that targets the intestinal linings. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are the results of autoimmune complications.
  • Lupus – This is a very severe autoimmune disease, that targets several organs in the body. At first, everyone believed that this was just a skin condition that presents itself as a nasty rash. Later on, it was discovered that this rash is the result of different organs being affected, such as the heart, the brain, and the kidneys.
  • Tingling & numbness – One of the most common symptoms that are associated with a developing autoimmune disease is the feeling of numbness and tingling in your arms or legs. This is the first sign of multiple sclerosis (MS), which is an incredibly harsh autoimmune disorder that can end up being fatal.
  • Skin problems – There are some autoimmune diseases that are known to create skin problems. In psoriasis, for example, the skin cells multiply rapidly, forming scaly, dry patches. This symptom might also come with swelling, itchiness, and stiffness in the joints.
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