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8 Signs of Inflammation in Your Body to Watch For

Photo by DragonImages from Envato

Gum problems

The inflammation of the gums is called gingivitis and the inflammation that affects the bones and tissues of your teeth is called periodontitis. Both can be signs of chronic inflammation. Gingivitis has also been linked to heart attack and stroke, says Dr. Mensch. Thorough teeth brushing, daily flossing, and twice-yearly cleanings by a dental hygienist can help alleviate gum problems.


11 thoughts on “8 Signs of Inflammation in Your Body to Watch For”

  1. I’ve had most of these symptoms knowing there has to be a reason, but doctors cannot label the problem. Sad. So what to do next? Go to a different doctor? Take this article to show the doctor telling him I have inflammation? how can you find out what is causing the inflammation?

    1. I think people need to be aware of what they ingest causes inflammation. Artificial sweeteners can cause itchy and red skin as well as kidney issues. When I stopped using sweet and low, equal, and other sweetness in my coffee, my skin redness and back pain went away completely. Diet pop is another that uses chemicals that can cause inflammation.

  2. Anyone know how to deal with inflammation seeing that doctors can not help. Has anyone had success with a remidy?

    1. Yes Tina. Inflammation is linked to our diet. My doctor put me on a strict NO SALT diet, no processed foods, no eating out and many more restrictions. Wow what a difference, lowered my BB, lost 25 lbs, regained my energy and reduced my swelling.

    2. For me.. I gave up the 2 big gluten bombs.. bread and pasta.. it has helped quite a bit with my shoulder pain, and I can sleep on my sides again!

  3. Agree. Last year, I got my flu shot and became very sick. I changed my diet to plant based no eating out, no dairy, and I have read numerous articles on improving my immune system. I have read
    the book How Not to Die by Michael Greger.

  4. Susan E McKnight

    This article is great, BUT my daughter has chronic inflammation in her back, neck all the time. If she tries to do any physical activity it is worse. Her ribs pop out and her pelvis does too a few times a year (that’s why chiropractor said it does). She has had MRI, CT, regular xrays, blood work, etc. Has tried diets eliminating foods and reintroducing, she goes for massage and chiropractic treatment. BUT no dr. is telling her why this is happening. Her MRI did show little stenosis and herniations, but that is it, not surgery worthy. Dr.s just blow her off, but she has 2 small kids and can’t be the mom she wants to be with them. So frustrating!

    1. Look for a functional medicine Dr – been dealing with chronic inflammation for long time
      I have elevated C-REATIVE protein levels
      good test to start with!! Best to your daughter so hard to enjoy anything when you hurting

  5. I am very sad to hear all the stories about chronic inflammation although I suffer with the same health issue. I have experience all of the symptoms that I have read about and more. My life had been like a roller coaster for about 27 years now and doctors have never given me an exact diagnosis I had to figure it out for myself for the past 12 years. Now I really worried because I feel that the problem is beginning to affect my vision as well. There has to be something other than just diet change to get comfort although I highly agree that watching your diet does help to control the inflamation somewhat.. but how can you heal the body total from this issue?

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