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9 Strange Physical Signs That Reveal Major Health Issues

Spooned nails

A dip in the nail that could hold a drop of water – a condition called koilonychia – could be a sign of an iron deficiency anemia, which may be caused by a variety of factors, raging from malnutrition to celiac disease. Spoon nails can also be associated with heart disease and hypothyroidism.


5 thoughts on “9 Strange Physical Signs That Reveal Major Health Issues”

  1. Interesting as I have never heard of most of these 9 strange physical signs. My husband and I read them together and found it enlightening.

  2. Thank you for this interesting information. I have an overweight 16 yr. old grand daughter that is seeing an Endocrinologist. She has elevated cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin levels, and a fatty liver. In tying to help her with her diet (not going well) Walnuts might help for snacks, rather that a Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pie. Working hard to encourage her to change her eating habits for her health. I am sending her is this information so she can comprehend how important good health really is. One again thanks for this publication.

    1. Yes, I also have an overweight granddaughter who tells me her thyroid woes while eating iced cream straight from the carton, followed by a package of gummy bears. She knows better; no sympathy here.

    2. Sounds like PCOS .( polycystic ovarian syndrome) This is very challenging for the affected person especially since it strikes us females during that vulnerable time of trying to attain a satisfactory body image. There is no cure but the affected person can be healthier . Education along the way from nutritionists to the exercise regime( as simple as a walk or dancing to favorite music ) can be helpful for the permanent lifestyle change needed. Testing for food sensitivities might be valuable too. Patience is truly a virtue in these cases. Lots of love ( (“ tough love “at times)and support is needed. Our bodies are all different . Some people may do well with simple daily walks and portion control on diets and others gotta do more physical activity and modify diet in special ways to know they are feeling way more energy , less skin issues and improved moods etc etc etc .( Long list)

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