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These 8 Things on Your Body Should Really Concern You

Your skin may be telling you more about your health than you realize. No matter what changes in the skin you experience (from new growths to discolorations) they can often be a signal of an underlying health condition. If you notice any of the following things on your body, maybe it’s time to schedule an appointment with your dermatologist.

Photo by Pixel-Shot from Shutterstock

1. New or changing moles or lesions

According to Natalie Yin, MD, assistant professor of dermatology at Columbia University Medical Center you should always look for the ABCDEs of melonoma when it comes to new or changing moles or other body marks.

  • A stands for asymmetry
  • B for borders (irregular or ill-defined ones)
  • C for color (more than one color is concerning)
  • D for diameter (larger lesions need checking)
  • E for evolution (lesions changing over time)

Other body marks that could be signs of skin cancer include non-healing sores and new moles appearing later in life. “Patients should have a low threshold for seeing their board-certified dermatologist if they notice any concerning spots on their bodies for prompt evaluation,” Dr. Yin says.

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2 thoughts on “These 8 Things on Your Body Should Really Concern You”

  1. I have a lot of moles some of which have changed. I’ve seen a dermatologist regarding this and they weren’t concern. I have one that has a greenish color and few that look dried up. I would like to have these removed, but because insurance won’t covered it, they don’t want to. They claim this to be cosmetic. How can I get insurance to cover this?

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