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9 Lifestyle Changes to Lower Your High Cholesterol

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 70 million American adults have high cholesterol. Of these, only 1 in 3 have their health condition under control, and less than half are getting treatment for it.

As a matter of fact, many people don’t know that they have high cholesterol because it is asymptomatic and, unfortunately, this condition maximizes your risk of heart disease and heart attacks. However, small lifestyle changes can help enhance your cholesterol.

Try to adopt these habits, especially if you have high cholesterol.

Photo by furmanphoto from Envato Elements

1. Eat foods high in magnesium

Magnesium is an extremely important mineral and several studies have shown that following a diet high in magnesium can help keep bad cholesterol in check. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, heart health expert, and author of Atrial Fibrillation: Remineralize Your Heart, is a firm believer in this little-touted, cholesterol buster.”Some researchers say that, as a nation, we could cut our rate of heart disease by one-half if we took more magnesium,” she adds.

Magnesium works as a natural calcium channel blocker, acts as a statin (drugs which act to reduce levels of cholesterol in the blood), and improves heart health without the side-effects of cholesterol-reducing drugs, she says. When a patient has a magnesium deficiency it can lead to angina, heart arrhythmia, and even heart attacks, she explains.

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