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7 Signs You Definitely Need New Glasses

Photo By sebra From Shutterstock

As you age your eyes age along with you. Your favorite tv show, catching up with the latest news headlines on your laptop or that billboard just down the road from your house start to look a bit more blurry than before, but you are still wearing your glasses? Then, perhaps you are in need of a new pair.

Your eyes work as a lens, adjusting their focus for objects at different distances away, whether it’s the computer a few feet from your face or the road far off in the distance, says Reena Garg, MD, who specializes in the medical, laser, and surgical treatment of glaucoma and cataract at the Washington Eye Institute in Riverdale, Maryland and is the associate program director for the ophthalmology residency program at Washington Hospital Center-Georgetown University.

Focus your vision and read on to learn the seven signs that suggest you need a new pair of glasses.

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