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These 8 Things on Your Body Should Really Concern You

Photo by Lesterman from Shutterstock

7. Spots that seem like dirt on your neck

This could be acanthosis nigricans rash. It may be a sign that a patient has diabetes or insulin resistance, according to Dr. Lipner. This nasty rash might be due to an underlying endocrine problem such as thyroid disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome, or an adrenal problem, Dr. Lipner adds.

Plus, in rare cases, it could be a presenting sign of underlying cancer in the stomach, colon, or liver. “It is also more common in obese people and may run in families,” Dr. Lipner says.

“It is important to see a board-certified dermatologist who can make the diagnosis and work up the patient for underlying disorders.” However, this rash might also be because of meds like birth control or niacin, but you should still double check with your doctor.

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2 thoughts on “These 8 Things on Your Body Should Really Concern You”

  1. I have a lot of moles some of which have changed. I’ve seen a dermatologist regarding this and they weren’t concern. I have one that has a greenish color and few that look dried up. I would like to have these removed, but because insurance won’t covered it, they don’t want to. They claim this to be cosmetic. How can I get insurance to cover this?

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