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9 Alarming Symptoms That Warrant a Trip to the ER

Blood in your stool or urine

Blood shouldn’t ever be found in your stool or urine, so even if your symptoms don’t require a trip to the ER, it’s important to make an appointment with your physician as soon as possible to determine the source and decide on a treatment plan. “Blood in the urine is usually caused by some kind of infection such as a urinary tract or kidney infection or kidney stones,” says Stanton.

“When it comes to stool, it’s often benign, but it can be the sign of something very dangerous.” The number one cause is hemorrhoids followed by fissures, infections, inflammation, ulcers, or cancer. If you have a little blood with no other symptoms, make an appointment to talk with your doctor.

Head to the ER if…you have large amounts of blood in your stool or urine, or if you have blood in your stool or urine in addition to other symptoms such as a fever, rash or fatigue, intense pain, or evidence of a blockage.


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