If you don’t get enough protein, your health and body may suffer. You probably know that proteins are the main building blocks of your body because they are used to make tendons, muscles, skin, organs as well as enzymes, hormones and many tiny molecules that serve important functions. Basically, we can’t live without protein.
These building blocks are made out of smaller molecules called amino acids. Some of these amino acids can be produced by your body while you must get others through your diet. Generally, animal protein provides all essential amino acids in the right ratio for you to make full use of them — which makes sense, as animal tissues are similar to your own tissues.
If you’re eating animal products like meat, fish, eggs, or dairy every day, you’re likely doing pretty well protein-wise already. However, if you don’t eat animal foods, getting all the protein and essential amino acids your body needs can be tricky. In this case, you should definitely read this article to find out the veggies that pack more protein than meat!