There are times when we receive an unpleasant surprise from an alarming symptom, such as a high fever or splitting headache. When it happens, it’s hard to know whether to rush to the emergency room or let it pass. You might be tempted to let it pass, because you don’t want to overact, but you don’t want to underreact either. So how can you tell the difference when it’s time to go to the hospital or wait? We took the advice of Ryan Stanton, MD, a board-certified emergency physician and spokesman for the American College of Emergency Physicians, and we thought that this article might clear the air a bit. Find out what symptoms you shouldn’t ignore:
15 Signs That Reveal Serious Health Problems
Noticing small changes can nudge you into paying attention to potential problems. Of course, it’s vital not to let symptom-spotting get out of hand: Trivial signs are often just that.