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Dr. Fauci Answers Your Burning Questions About the Coronavirus Vaccine

Head cropped close-up shot of unrecognizable medical worker wearing personal protective uniform holding ampoule with vaccine
Photo by seventyfourimages –

Are the Next Doses Really Coming Within a Month?

Fauci has long since been in the spotlight thanks to his insights on the global pandemic and how to staunch it. Recently, he explained that both pharmaceutical companies are waiting for government approval.

He also reminded everyone that the process of getting the vaccine in the vials and then shipped out could take some time. That being said, those in dire need of the vaccines will have priority and might be getting the shots by the end of December.

The CDC alongside an advisory board will determine who will get the first vials. So, it seems that all we have to do is wait another month or less to find out who will be inoculated first. Then, we have to wait for the rest of the doses to roll out.


20 thoughts on “Dr. Fauci Answers Your Burning Questions About the Coronavirus Vaccine”

    1. If it’s so good and there’s so much confidence in it, will those in government such as the military and secret service (both classifying as 1st responders), senate, congress (who are part of the susceptible group), vice and president and families of all be given the vaccines first? If they are given it FIRST then I’ll take it. Does it work for those who are positive or just for prevention? How long does it last?

    2. Just read about the side affects today (11/25) for the first time. The main ones being a headache and soreness in the injection area, usually the upper arm.
      I also read that the vaccination is a two step process, meaning you must get a second injection to complete the vaccination. How long after the first injection for the second was not stated in the article. Whether or not that it true for the several different vaccines that may be available was not stated.
      Also, the term “side affects” may be replaced with “response” with this vaccine. Any reaction to this vaccine is a response to it by your body, indicating it is working, according to the article. IMO, that seems like spin, unless we must have a “response” to a vaccine to indicate it is working. I had a flu shot a month ago without any side affects, does that mean it did not work?
      The benefit of any vaccine is enhanced or complete immunity against the disease. That is something that can’t be measured, but the eradication of smallpox due to the use of a vaccine is the best proof we have.

  1. What about the millions of people who DO NOT WANT this completely new and untested, potentially dangerous, and unnecessary Vaccination?

    1. Are there really millions of ignorant people that do not want to prevent themselves from this terrible virus. Sounds like the same people that dont want to vaccinate their children for measles, etc because their fear of autism (which has been proven to be untrue) Wake up, people before this virus kills more and more of our population. This virus is not a ‘hoax’ People do not die from a ‘hoax’ !!!!!!!!

    2. The vaccines are not completely untested, the test interval was shortened due to the problems this virus has caused. Some may call the shortened interval untested or incompletely tested. Dr Fauci is, or was at one time, against the shortened testing interval.
      So far I am aware of only one required use of the vaccine. You must prove you have been vaccinated for international air travel. Otherwise, it is not being forced on us yet. I’m sure at first the demand for it will be more than is available.

  2. The good doctor has changed his opinions more times than diapers on a newborn baby. I get the feeling he has fallen into the celebrity pool and has become drunk with admiration and recognition.

  3. Dr. Fauci:
    My father was infected by Guillain Barre Syndrome. My brother and I have since been advised to NOT receive the annual flu vaccine. How should we approach this COVd Vaccine? Should we avoid it all together?

  4. I think that Dr Fauci is lying to the public , this pendemic is just a way to control people and were in the beginning stages of robbing people’s liberty way of life, i think he’s a false Dr and evil human being who deserves to get locked up for good and throw away the keys , never to have any right to talk again even in public

  5. Thank you Dr. Fauci for all that you do and have done for all Americans and the world. You have been the truth and the light in this devastating mess! With no thanks from the president ( not capitalized on purpose), he has been disrespectful and horrible to you, but you ALWAYS take the high road! God Bless you and your family. Happy Thanksgiving, we are all thankful for you!!

    1. Thank you Dr. Faux for your knowledge. When Trump saw you were spotlighting with your expertise and wisdom he quickly wanted to cease your flame. You are still a great source of what we need to know and are still appreciated. Please keep us American people informed as much as you can. We and I speak for many are appreciative of your contribution to society. Many prayers for you and your family.

  6. Dear Dr. Fauci,
    I “only listen to YOU” as our top leader in fighting the Covid-19 virus.
    You have proven record with the HIV and the Ebola viruses…so I do believe in YOU!
    I am wishing you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving!
    Continue to stay strong, healthy, and wise as you continue your services informing us with the help we need as a true war time hero in conquering this evil virus.
    I appreciate you! THANK-YOU SO VERY MUCH…Liz

  7. Frances Leach Greene

    Dr Fauci thank you for sharing your knowledge with the public and America. Being a health care provider for over 50yrs I can appreciate your expertise and comments for mankind. The young professionals I worked with showed no respect for my years of experience SO I truly understand why you get negative feedback from this generation. May God continue to bless you and your family. Thanks again for all you have and are doing for our country. You ARE appreciated 💛

  8. I asked this question but I never got an answer. Have there been any research for the vaccination with people who have a transplant.

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