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15 Lifestyle Changes to Help Prevent Cancer

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8. Prep a cancer-fighting dinner

You’re going to cook something anyway, so why not prepping a cancer-fighting dinner? According to studies, a Mediterranean eating style can minimize the incidence of cancer significantly. As a general rule, the Mediterranean diet is actually plant-based.

A registered dietitian and nutritionist, Elena Paraventes-Hargitt, says that people who opt for this type of diet can easily respect it with what they grow in their own gardens. Along with some olive oil and some dairy, you’re good to go.

Get inspired by searching online Mediterannean diet recipes. You’ll find a ton of recipes that are quick and easy to make.

9. Make friends with artichokes

Along with its many health benefits such as regulating blood pressure, improving liver health, keeping your digestive system healthy, and lowering blood sugar levels, artichoke has anticancer effects too. Because it is a great source of silymarin, artichoke can actually prevent skin cancer by delaying cancer cell growth. Try to consume artichokes more often; your overall health will thank you.


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