Still wondering why some friends of yours seem to get sick occasionally while you’re always carrying a bag of tissues and vitamin C supplements in your backpack? Well, most of them probably follow some daily tips to avoid colds and flu. Every single action (pressing the elevator button included) you take on a daily basis can increase (or not) your chances of getting sick.
Taking minor precautions and adopting several simple health-promoting habits could keep colds and flu at bay. Therefore, you can forget about your vitamin C supplements, tissues, essential oils for nasal congestion, and cough medicine. Instead of keeping all of them tucked away in your purse, start welcoming some healthy habits into your life.
As the saying goes ‘a little goes a long way’ and that’s certainly the case when you start doing these 11 things. S0, let’s find out what people who rarely get sick do to avoid colds and flu.