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11 Ways to Realistically Lose Weight Without Dieting

Photo by Andrey_Popov from Shutterstock

9. Listen to your internal hunger cues

Although it sounds pretty simple, it seems that not all of us are able to listen to our internal hunger cues. Or we simply choose to ignore them. Nutritionists say that you should be eating when you’re hungry and stop eating as soon as you feel full. Sadly, most times this doesn’t happen.

Health pros suggest being mindful of the hunger-fullness 1 to 10 scale. One meaning “I’m not hungry because I just ate.” and 10 suggesting “I’m so hungry, I could eat one pie at once.”

So, if you think you’re approaching 10 on the scale, you should eat. Don’t wait for that scale to be on ten; you’ll most likely overeat.

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