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7 Eating Habits That Raise Your Cholesterol

Photo by bhofack2 from Envato Elements

2. You avoid fish

As you may have heard, certain types of fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, and herring contain higher amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, “good fats” that don’t affect your LDL cholesterol levels. In fact, omega-3s help us maximize “good” cholesterol, while minimizing triglycerides and blood pressure, according to the Mayo Clinic.

That’s why you should try to consume a 3.5-ounce serving of fish, ideally a type higher in omega-3s, at least twice per week. Add some fresh salmon as the main protein for your salad or grill up an easy-to-prep salmon burger if you’re in the mood for a barbecue.

In fact, here’s a great recipe book that will surprise you with lots of delicious salmon recipes.

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