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5 Simple Tricks to Save Money on Food

We all buy too much food and then throw it and this happens to us, because we don’t manage well our money and we are tempted at the grocery store. Being prepared from home with a pocket list to the store it’s the best way to stay away from temptations. Also you can save some money with a few ingredients. Here are five ways to save money while shopping.

  1. Buy heads of lettuce

The bags of salad mixes are convenient and it’s easier to eat, but they are so expensive. Therefore buy some heads of lettuce next time, it will also last longer. You can try this mix: romaine, red leaf, radicchio and escarole.

  1. Grow your own

You can grow your own salad greens. They don’t require daily care and they are an useful decoration. A packet of seeds with 500 seeds costs $3, just like a bag of salad greens.

  1. Spices from bulk bins

We can’t live without spices. Spices can turn an improper meal into a tasteful one. Find a store which has spices in bulk, you will save money this way. Also, if you need a smaller amount you can buy it, so your spices will never lose their flavour.

  1. Buy frozen vegetables

Buy frozen vegetables and keep them in your freezer, they will not lose their nutrients and they will be “fresh” every time. Plus, most of them don’t have added sodium.

  1. Buy meats on sale


Your freezer it’s your friend! Buy your favorite meats on sale and put them in your freezer, you will save some money for sure. Also, you can do this with fresh vegetables and fruits when they are in season and less expensive.


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