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Dermatologists Reveal 5 Things to Never Put On Your Face

At-home chemical peels

“I NEVER put strong chemical peels on my face at home. Sometimes people buy medical-grade peels online that are too strong for home use. I’ve seen bad results, such as redness and too much peeling than can lead to long-term scarring and discoloration. They also sometimes cause allergic reactions.” —Angela Lamb, MD, Dermatologist, The Mount Sinai Hospital



“I stay away from using a loofah or a buf puf on my face. They are too abrasive and can actually irritate your skin. I have underlying acne and eczema and these sponges–which also tend to attract bacteria—can make both conditions worse.” —Jeanine Downie, MD, Director of Image Dermatology in Montclair, NJ


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