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Can’t Sleep? Here Are 16 Things You Can Do to Change That

Photo by Joshua Resnick from Shutterstock

7. Watch your plate

It comes as no surprise that the foods you put on your plate have serious effects on the quality of your sleep. Still, if it’s a surprise to you, there are endless studies that sustain our argument.

For example, several studies pointed out that even if a diet high in carbs makes you fall asleep faster, it most definitely won’t be restful enough. On a brighter note, a high-fat diet promotes deeper sleep, as studies suggest.

Unfortunately, we all love carbs (and not the healthy type). From burgers to white rice, the type of carbs we put on our plates is also important. While indeed a high-carb diet promotes sleep, unhealthy sources of carbs might destroy your overall health.

Choose healthy sources of cabs such as quinoa, kidney beans, sweet potatoes, bananas, lentils, or brown rice. And eat them at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Photo by Dejan Dundjerski from Shutterstock

8. Listen to relaxing music

Throughout history, music had the power to influence people’s behaviors.

And while some songs have had a negative effect on certain people, such as in Richard Ramirez’s case, the serial killer who said that he was inspired by one of AC/DC’s songs, others were praised for being the best ‘tools’ in combating insomnia.

Studies also confirm. It seems that listening to Buddhist music may minimize the amount of time spent while struggling to fall asleep.

A 12-week study also concluded that participants who listened to soothing music for about 45 minutes right before bedtime experienced improved sleep quality than those who didn’t.

The best part? This relaxing activity requires no effort at all.


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