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Can’t Sleep? Here Are 16 Things You Can Do to Change That

Photo by WAYHOME studio from Shutterstock

15. Write something before bedtime

As we’ve previously mentioned, many Americans have trouble falling asleep due to overthinking. And since overthinking often leads to negative thoughts, it’s best to keep it at bay.

In some cases, doctors recommend writing down whatever made you feel loved and appreciated during that day. You can even write something that’s about to happen and the way it makes you feel.

Writing down about gratitude and happiness helps improve the quality of your sleep. Some experts also suggest creating a to-do list right before bedtime in order to reduce stress and increase sleep time.

Photo by Africa Studio from Shutterstock

16. Limit caffeine 

Your morning cups of Joe has endless health benefits, however, if you have difficulty sleeping, it’s best to limit the intake or replace it with something else.

Because caffeine is mostly used to combat tiredness and boost alertness, people with insomnia or trouble falling asleep should avoid caffeine-based beverages such as coffee, energy drinks, and sodas. And chocolate as well.

Make sure to also check: How Much Coffee Is Too Much?

High amounts of caffeine have horrible effects on both the quality and duration of sleep, so it’s best to limit it. Instead, you can easily replace it with chamomile and passionflower tea, which has been shown to boost relaxation and sleep quality.

Important info: If nothing seems to work for you, call your doctor. Your sleeping issue could require medical attention as well as prescribed sleeping pills.

Here are 7 Reasons You Feel Constantly Exhausted, According to Doctors!

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