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8 Habits We Can Learn From Doctors To Avoid The Flu

Photo by Mix and Match Studio from Shutterstock
  • They get the flu shot – If you want to take all the necessary measures against the flu, you should get a seasonal influenza vaccine. Clement S. Rose, MD, an internal medicine specialist at Weiss Memorial Hospital in Chicago shares how he gets the flu shot each and every year, and recommends it for everyone. While it might not be perfect, it does help fight against any potentially deadly infection, as he says.
  • They wash up their hands before meals – The cold and flu can be passed via physical contact. You don’t even have to shake hands with someone who’s unwell, it’s enough just to touch the doorknob or a cell phone that has been contaminated with the germs. The golden rule of all doctors is to wash their hands before eating or touching their face.
  • They never eat at their desk – Few people realize how many germs live and thrive around your workstation. When people eat at their desks, they usually work while eating, touching their keyboards, phones, and other contaminated surfaces. This minor habit can do more damage than you think, as you pass the germs from your desk to your mouth, according to Michele Neil-Sherwood, DO, founder of the Functional Medical Institute in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Instead of that, you can use your free hour to truly disconnect from your work, as she suggests.
  • They have their daily walk – Kristine Arthur, MD, Internist at the Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California, believes that you can keep sickness at bay if you stay in good physical shape. While you don’t have to squeeze 30 minutes of intense Pilates every day after your lunch, you can try other small things, such as taking the stairs or parking further out in the parking lot.

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