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10 Effective Ways to Ease Pneumonia Symptoms

Try Turmeric

In South Asia, this golden spice has been used for centuries to treat breathing problems, pain, and fatigue. Researchers have found that it might fight infections and make pneumonia irritate your lungs less. If you want to see if it helps you, try getting it in food, supplements, or a cup of turmeric tea. But be careful — taking too much can upset your stomach. And check with your doctor to make sure it won’t affect medicines you take.

Really Rest

This is your chance to sleep until noon or turn into a couch potato. Your body needs rest to help it fight back against the pneumonia. So you have to take it easy. Let somebody else handle your chores or errands. When you start to feel a little better, don’t overdo it. Play it safe, so that you don’t give the infection a chance to come back.


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