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25 Things You Probably Didn’t Realize Can Cause Cancer

Photo by leungchopan from Envato Elements

21. Drinking diet soda

Do you really think that our former president, Donald Trump is in tip-top shape? If we consider what he drinks in a day, we might as well close our eyes for good (he actually had a button on the Resolute desk he could press to order his Diet Coke without getting up).

Diet soda has great amounts of aspartame, a sugar-free sweetener that has been shown to cause blood-related cancers. Stick to plain water and avoid as much as you can diet soda or any soda for that matter.

22. Using artificial sweeteners

Well, after reading this, you might want to replace your artificial sweeteners with something less harmful. Because the National Cancer Institute says that there’s a strong connection between artificial sweetener consumption and cancer, the second leading cause of death in the U.S.

Sugar substitutes such as aspartame, cyclamate, saccharin, and sucralose can cause brain and bladder cancer, as well as leukemia and lymphoma. Please, stop adding artificial sweeteners to your tea and coffee! Your body will definitely thank you for that.

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