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These 8 Habits Raise Your Risk of Having a Heart Attack!

Photo by TaTae THAILAND from Shutterstock

1. You don’t get a flu shot.

Did you know that your risk of having a heart attack increases by six times after catching the flu? Getting a flu shot could reduce your chances. Nicole Weinberg, MD, a cardiologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in California, says that viruses are hazardous for some people.

Many heart attack cases were associated with flu diagnosis; that’s why doctors recommend their patients to get the flu shot.

2. You don’t visit your doctor regularly.

Going to your doctor’s office at least once a year is extremely important. An underlying condition might be going on with no obvious signs and symptoms at all. Only medical checkups could determine certain health conditions, especially if they are in the early stages.

Weinberg says that many health issues associated with cardiovascular disease are preventable if you are aware of the risks and treat them accordingly. For instance, treating your cholesterol and blood pressure could reduce your risk of having a heart attack.

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