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These 8 Habits Raise Your Risk of Having a Heart Attack!

Photo by Sailing Gypsy from Shutterstock

7. You eat the wrong types of fat.

Nowadays, there are many popular diets that are fat-based, such as the ketogenic one. However, not all kinds of fat are created equal. Some are healthier than others. Pork, cheese, fatty beef, and butter are all sources of saturated fat. Their healthy counterparts are some vegetables, fish, and, of course, nuts.

There’s a huge difference between them. So which will it be? Pork or salmon? Indeed, healthy sources of fat can lower your risk of having a heart attack, but their unhealthy versions won’t. According to the American Heart Association, no more than 6 percent of your calories should come from saturated fat if you consume about 2,000 calories a day.

See also: 7 Foods You Should NOT Eat As Leftovers

Nieca Goldberg, MD, senior advisor for Women’s Health Strategy at NYU Langone Health in New York, says that it’s vital to follow a balanced diet. Extremes never helped anyone. Just opt for the right type of fat to enjoy a healthier, heart-attack free life.

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