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12 Reasons Why You’re Still Not Losing Weight

Photo by Sergey Mironov from Shutterstock

9 You’re not catching enough Zzz’s

Are you getting the recommended amount of sleep per night? Adults aged between 18 and 64 should aim for at least 8 hours of sleep per night, while older adults for about 7 hours. However, each individual has unique preferences and needs.

For instance, a person who has been very active during the day may need more than 8 hours of sleep. No matter your needs, catching enough Zzz’s is essential in maintaining good physical health, including your weight.

Several studies demonstrated that poor sleep is linked to obesity. Both children and adults with poor sleep have a 89 percent and 55 percent greater risk of becoming obese, respectively. Therefore, a lack of sleep quality can hold back your weight loss progress.

10. You’re not eliminating carbohydrates

You may probably want to cut back on carbs when you’re trying to lose weight or when you’re already dealing with a metabolic issue like pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes. Studies suggest that following a low-carb diet is more effective than the old-fashioned ‘low-fat’ diet.

Eating fewer carbohydrates will also improve your metabolic markers such as “good” HDL cholesterol, blood sugar, and triglycerides.

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