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10 Natural Ways To Treat Depression

Photo by Garakta-Studio from Envato
  • Get in a routine – Depression can take away the structure of your life, up to the point where you can no longer make the difference between one day and another. By setting an easy daily schedule, you slowly regain control of your life and you can get back on track.
  • Set some goals – Another symptom of depression is the feeling that you can’t accomplish anything, which only makes you feel worse about yourself. To change that, set daily goals for yourself. You can start small, like doing dishes every day, or taking a walk in the neighborhood. The moment you reach those goals, you can add more to challenge yourself.
  • Exercise – You might doubt it, but it’s true: exercise releases the feel-good chemicals called endorphins. Apparently, regular exercise encourages the brain to rewire itself in positive ways. Of course, you don’t need to be running a marathon, just walking in the park might help you.
  • Try eating healthier – Even though there’s no magic diet that fixes depression, you can adopt a healthier diet and watch what you eat. If, for example, you tend to over-eat because of sadness, getting control of what you eat will help you feel better.
  • Get enough sleep – Depression is responsible for many cases of insomnia, and because sleep deprivation only aggravates depression, you can try to change it from the base. Try not to nap. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Clear your bedroom from any distractions, no computer, or TV.

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