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10 Natural Ways To Treat Depression

Photo by vadymvdrobot from Envato
  • Take on small responsibilities – Being depressed only makes you withdraw from life and give up your daily responsibilities at home and work. But you have to resist it and remain involved. Having daily responsibilities gives you a sense of purpose, they ground you and stabilize you. Even if we’re talking about a part-time job in a coffee shop, or volunteering, it’s the best thing you can do for yourself.
  • Challenge negative thoughts – When you’re depressed, you think of the worst possible conclusions. The next time you’re feeling terrible, try to use logic. You might feel like a worthless person, but do you even have evidence for that? It may be difficult, but you can overcome those negative thoughts before they get out of control.
  • Ask your doctor before using supplements – There is some evidence that certain supplements can ease the symptoms of depression. These include fish oil, folic acid, and SAMe. Even so, there’s no scientific proof to back this up completely, so before you decide on taking any supplement, consult your doctor.
  • Do something new – Try adding something new to your life, something that would bring you joy. Go to a museum, or start reading a new book. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, or learn a new language. Whatever it is, choose something that would put a smile on your face.
  • Try to have some fun – Although depression makes you feel as if nothing is fun anymore, you have to overcome it. It’s just a symptom, after all.
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