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12 Reasons Why Your Scalp Itches Uncontrollably

Photo by gpointstudio from Envato Elements

Psoriasis or eczema

If head lice, dandruff, scabies, and allergic reactions don’t seem to be the culprit, maybe you are suffering from a skin condition like psoriasis or eczema. Dr. Zeichner explains that both conditions (psoriasis and eczema) appear when someone’s immune system attacks the skin. Those who have psoriasis will most likely see red and flaky patches on their skin.

According to Esta Kronberg, MD, a dermatologist in Houston, Texas, psoriasis looks quite similar to dandruff, but a dermatologist will spot the difference immediately. For both psoriasis and eczema, Dr. Klein recommends coal tar, excimer laser, salicylic acid, topical steroids, vitamin D analogues, and for more severe cases, immunomodulatory agents.

However, if you think you have psoriasis, visit your dermatologist to get the best possible treatment.

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