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8 Ways to Avoid Nightmares and Get More Restful Sleep

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Have a healthy snack before going to bed

If you haven’t eaten enough that day, and your blood sugar drops too low during sleep, you may have nightmares or you won’t get enough rest. The solution is to have at least three healthy meals a day and two snacks between meals, and if you have not gathered the necessary calories, you can opt for a healthy snack before bed. 

The truth is that many people think that it’s a bad idea to eat before bed, because you could gain weight, but it can be beneficial for some people. It is true that not everyone should eat before bed, especially people who eat unhealthy foods often.  

People who have a snack before bed will feel full and satisfied during the night, so it could prevent them from waking up in the middle of the night. 

“There is a simple treatment for this: eat 1-2 ounces of protein before bed for a few nights; think things like two hard-boiled eggs or a bit of meat, fish, or cheese, and avoid carbohydrates, which may make things worse,” says Dr. Teitelbaum.

Don’t forget that you are what you eat and if your calorie intake is due to fast food, then your sleep will get worse and your health could be adversely affected, so, try to cook something healthy and you will feel way better!

Moreover, if you are the kind of person who tends to eat big portions of food during the day, you don’t have to eat before going to bed. In fact, there’s no evidence that a healthy and small snack before bed leads to weight gain or other health problems.

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