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30 Seemingly Innocent Symptoms That Always Require Immediate Medical Attention

Photo by Photoroyalty from Shutterstock

23. You think you have the flu

Do you think you have the flu? If the answer is yes, you might want to give your doctor a ring, especially if you’re dealing with diabetes. People with diabetes struggle to fight against viral infections than healthy people.

Plus, it can also raise your risk of developing certain health complications. If you have diabetes, avoid sick people and get vaccinated annually. Doctors say that September is the best month to get yourself vaccinated.

24. You’ve been puking for more than 24 hours

Viral and foodborne illnesses can make you puke all day long, but make sure to inform your doctor about it. Vomiting for more than a day translates to dehydration and a big change in the number of electrolytes, and since electrolytes play a crucial role in many functions like nerve signaling, blood pressure management, and muscle function, you might want to fix the issue.

Vomiting could also indicate other health concerns such as Crohn’s disease, viral gastroenteritis, or irritable bowel syndrome.


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