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7 Unusual Signs of Heart Disease You Shouldn’t Ignore

Swollen Legs / Ankles

From tiredness to bloating, swollen legs and ankles can have dozens of reasons. However, one of them may be a heart valve problem. More precisely, when fluids build up, it may be because your heart is unable to process blood in and out fast enough.

Don’t panic, though! Unlike other causes for swollen legs, this affection is getting worse in time and never really goes away.

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4 thoughts on “7 Unusual Signs of Heart Disease You Shouldn’t Ignore”

  1. Another sign I had was sudden weakness in my leg, I don’t remember which one now. I thought at the time it was related to a lower back problem and perhaps a pinched never. My spine doctor did some test and confirmed that that was not the case. His next step was to schedule me for some tests to shows blood flow. I had the heart attack before that happened.

  2. One thing I noticed that came on gradually with my mom was feet dragging. Not picking them up all the way. Thought just old age and less energy but actually took a triple bypass.

  3. Swollen ankles and legs is what got me to the doctors which ultimately found that my aortic valve was completely trashed! Thank goodness I was blessed with this warning sign before I had a heart attach! Don’t ignore this warning sign!! It can save your life!

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