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16 Clear Signs Your Kidneys Are in Trouble

Photo by tmcphotos from Shutterstock

Your weight 

Obesity is America’s biggest health concern. More than 4 in 10 Americans are obese, and maybe that’s why kidney disease is so common among us. Kidney disease is often associated with obesity. Dr. Clegg says that being overweight puts you at risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes.

This means that you’re also more prone to kidney disease. Fortunately, losing weight can minimize your risk. If you spot a bigger number on the scale, it’s time to move.

You don’t eat enough veggies

A diet super low in fruits and veggies and high in animal proteins means trouble for your kidneys. The National Kidney Foundation recommends following a plant-based diet like the DASH diet. The DASH diet is abundant in fiber, low in salt, high in many essential nutrients, and low in saturated fats.

As a general rule, plant-based diets such as the DASH diet are super beneficial for your kidneys. Even though you don’t plan to follow a diet, in particular, it is a good idea to add more tasty fruits and green veggies into your diet. Besides, veggies are super versatile; you can include them at any meal of the day.

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