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11 Signs Your Stomach Ache Is Actually Gastritis

Photo by Wavebreakmedia from Envato Elements

Is your stomach more upset lately? We bet you blame it on the taco night… If your stomach is constantly aching and burning, it may be more than just your run-of-the-mill indigestion. You might be dealing with gastritis. Gastritis is actually a term used to describe the inflammation of the lining of the stomach. When left untreated, it can easily lead to ulcers.

There are two types of gastritis. Acute gastritis (the one that appears out of nowhere) and chronic gastritis (the one that develops in time). So, if you are more prone to stomach issues, a gastroenterologist, Taruna Bhatia, MD, says it’s best to make a gastro appointment.

Until then, read on to discover the subtle signs of gastritis because you may be one of the 30 percent of Americans who have it.

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