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7 Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes You May Miss

Photo by Sergio Mendoza Hochmann from Shutterstock

6. Your vision seems blurry

When blurry vision happens at the time of diagnosis, it’s actually not diabetic retinopathy, which is caused by damage to the blood vessels in the back of the eye. But, says Dr. Cypess, it’s more often “a sign that the lenses are getting fluid in them or out of them because the concentration of glucose in them is different from the rest of the body.”

He also adds that “the blurry vision can be a good sign since it can happen after starting treatment when the blood sugars start going down to safer ranges. The blurry vision resolves once the lenses in the eyes have gotten used to the new, lower blood sugars. In about six to eight weeks after your blood sugars are stabilized, you’re not going to feel it anymore; the eye will adjust.”

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1 thought on “7 Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes You May Miss”

  1. Eat good, wholesome foods, free of refined sugar, no alcohol, no caffeine, and stay the hell away from doctors. Medical and insurance companies are out of control.

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