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8 Clear Signs You Need to Move More

While we all know that lack of exercise can lead to obesity, there are some lesser known things about lack of movement you should definitely know. Moving your body means a lot more than getting a perfect beach body. Read on to find out why being a couch potato is really bad for your health.

Photo by Rido81 from Envato Elements

1. You don’t sleep well

If you can’t get a good night’s sleep, lack of activity or exercise could be the culprit behind that puffiness under your eyes. However, if you exercise every day for at least 30 minutes, you will tire out your entire body, making it a lot easier to fall asleep and stay that way all night.

A study published in Advances in Preventive Medicine analyzed the connection between sleep and exercise and found that “physical activity promotes improved sleep quality and efficiency.” When you exercise during the day, your quality and the amount of deep sleep you get improves significantly.

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