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5 Best And Worst Foods For A Healthy Life


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10 Signs of Arthritis You Should Pay Attention To

Joint tenderness Joint tenderness refers to exactly that — tenderness around a joint. Often this occurs in combination with other signs — joint pain, joint effusion, joint swelling, warmth, redness.

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5 Surprising Signs You Have an Unhealthy Gut

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Cholesterol is a waxy substance, similar to fat, that is produced by your liver. It’s vital for the formation of cell membranes, vitamin D, and some hormones. Because it can’t

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Your Head Aches That swelling and pressure in the face from stopped-up sinuses can morph into a headache. The blockage in your sinuses and the inflammation cause you to automatically

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7 Dirtiest Things You Touch Every Day

We all know that germs can make us sick — from the cold virus that zaps our energy to bacteria like E. coli or salmonella that throw our stomachs for

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