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5 Best And Worst Foods For A Healthy Life


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10 Foods That Help You Burn Fat With NO EFFORT

Peanut butter and whole grain bread Yes, it’s true! Peanut butter is an excellent snack especially before bedtime. This peanut butter contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps put you

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Carrots are one of the healthiest snacks you can have. With a sweet taste and satisfying crunch, carrots can soothe junk food cravings when you are trying to be good.

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As you get older, you might notice yellowish patches forming around your eyes. Those bumps are actually cholesterol deposits known as xanthelasma and could be a sign that your health

7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Protein Intake

3. Swap cereal with eggs. Another surefire way to increase your protein intake is swapping your morning cereal with eggs. The most popular breakfast choices like bagels, cereals, and toast

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Walking is great for weight loss, but the benefits go far beyond—from higher energy and better mood to stress relief, creativity boost, and more. Walking benefit: Happiness Whether you’re just

10 Common Issues You Can Develop From Sitting

Cancer risk Some studies are suggesting that prolonged sitting can increase the risk of certain types of cancer, including colon, uterine and lung cancers. The reasons for these aren’t entirely

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