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10 Foods That Will Help You Sleep Easier

The most common sleep disorder is, by far, insomnia. One in every 3 adults has occasional insomnia while one in every 10 has it chronically. Insomnia is normally a phase for many people due to many reasons like stress for example. Once the stress is gone, then the insomnia is gone. This type of insomnia can usually be fixed by trying many natural methods.

One of these methods to help you sleep better can be as simple as changing your diet. Yes, certain foods can make us sleepy! Why do you think sometimes you feel sleepy after that nice lunch you had on your work break? Now, this does not mean to engorge these foods and you will sleep better at night. Actually, eating too much of any kind of food will hurt your chances of getting a good night’s rest. So, what are the foods that might help you sleep? Here are the top 10.

1. Poultry

Chicken or Turkey has tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid that you can only get from what you eat/drink. It helps your body make serotonin (a relaxing mood hormone) which then helps your body make melatonin (a hormone that controls sleep cycles).

2. Fish

Vitamin B6 is abundant in fish, with salmon, tuna, and halibut having the most. B6 is what makes melatonin (melatonin is normally triggered by being in the dark). By eating fish for dinner you can give that melatonin a head start before turning out the lights.

3. Yogurt

Calcium processes hormones that help you sleep which are tryptophan and melatonin. Calcium, of course, can be found in anything dairy related if you don’t like yogurt. Other things you could try are milk or cheese and crackers.

4. Kale

This leafy green is also rich in calcium which again is important in making those sleep hormones go to work that we have mentioned above.

5. Bananas

They are high in potassium which helps to KEEP you asleep. It also has tryptophan and magnesium which are natural sedatives.

6. Whole Grains

Encourages insulin production that results in tryptophan activity in the brain. It also has magnesium which is said to help you STAY asleep. When magnesium levels are too low you are more likely to wake up during the night.

7. Honey

Glucose in honey lowers levels of orexin, orexin is a neurotransmitter in the brain that makes you more alert. Honey will put that alertness in reverse.

8. Nuts

Walnuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds. These all boost serotonin levels by having magnesium and tryptophan.

9. Eggs

Eggs are popular in the morning, but they also can make you sleepy due to having tryptophan. Try to have some breakfast for supper and see what happens.

10. White Rice

White rice has a high glycemic index. This simply means that they will give you a natural increase in blood sugar and insulin levels, which in turn, helps tryptophan go to work in your brain faster.


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