Prevent stress
Stress can also be developed due to a wrong sleeping position. This can minimize the quality of your sleep. Try to sleep without a pillow – it has been proven that not using a pillow during your sleep can reduce your stress.
Stress can also be developed due to a wrong sleeping position. This can minimize the quality of your sleep. Try to sleep without a pillow – it has been proven that not using a pillow during your sleep can reduce your stress.
Greek yogurt – If your goal is to eat more protein-rich foods, then Greek yogurt must be included in your diet. It has a thicker consistency and contains more protein,
Chipwiches Out of all the novelty ice cream options out there, this one might be the worst. That’s because it’s really three desserts in one: two giant chocolate chip cookies
Consume high-calcium foods Calcium is the main mineral found in your bones and you should consume it daily to protect bone structure and strength. The RDI for calcium is 1,000
Getting good sleep Psychology often points to sleep difficulties as a symptom of mental health disorders, particularly anxiety and depression. A study undertaken at the University of Oxford finds that
Everyone’s multiple sclerosis is the same “You can’t even look at family members who have MS to say that ‘this is how my MS will behave,’”says Carrie Lyn Sammarco, of
Hypothermia and frostbite – If someone hears hypothermia, they might be tempted to think of long periods outdoors in record-breaking, freezing weather. In reality, even a mild cold can cause hypothermia
Lavender Many people drink this delicious beverage to relax and aid sleep. Research has shown that lavender may decrease anxiety and improve sleep quality in people with anxiety or anxiety-related
Almonds Almonds are a good source of protein, a diet-friendly midnight snack, and are also great for your heart, making them one of the healthiest nuts you can eat. They
Get enough sleep Don’t skip your hours of sleeping. “There’s an association with lack of sleep and getting sick,” Dr. Mainardi explains. “Medical and surgical residents who would notoriously work
Thanks to the highly-refined, modern American diet, the average American isn’t getting enough of one of the most important nutrients: fiber. Without a consistent intake of healthy, high-fiber foods in
The night shifts The International Agency for Research on Cancer classified nighttime work as a probable carcinogen in 2007. Scientists think working at night, and working long hours into the
Imbalanced gut flora Research shows that switching to a high-sugar diet can alter the composition of your gut flora within 24 hours. Imbalances in our gut flora can weaken immunity,
Blood Pressure If your blood pressure is in the 120/80 range, that’s an excellent sign that your heart is not over-exerting itself to pump blood! You can rest assured that
Your blood sugar is too low Your hormones work to regulate your blood sugar levels. But if your blood sugar dips too low (known as hypoglycemia), certain hormones (like glucagon
Experiencing strong emotions Whether it’s fear, frustration, sadness, or excitement, experiencing strong emotions is another weird reason some people sneeze. Being fearful can cause the nasal membranes to shrink, while
‘I weigh myself every day’ ‘Almost all advice for reducing your cardiovascular risk includes recommendations for diet, weight reduction, exercise programs, and stress reduction. But I’ve found that patients often
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